you must fail

► We are not allowed to Fail in our Society, yet we have to fail in order to learn….

► This video is a Must watch & share for all Youth. (Click here to watch the full Video )

► Make sure to Subscribe to our YouTube Channel => Abdallah Harfouch
► Invite your Friends to Subscribe.

Check our official website:

Abdallah Harfouch
Founder of AH Financial Consultancy /Economist / Financial Markets Analyst
Facebook & Instagram Page: AH Financial Consultancy & Abdallah Harfouch


👉👉 ​Click here to watch this video 👈👈

This small video (👆) was Created for every person who: 

1- Wants to be an Entrepreneur.

2- Wants to be a Investor.

3- Is being Bullied from his parents, friends, school teachers or society.

4- Is searching for a BETTER WAY.

5- Want to Make 2017 his/her Life-Changing Year. 

6- Really Believe in Him/Herself. 

1 Full Year of Financial Education in Lebanon !!!

brochure-event-modifi           The Start was One Year AGO


► Here we are, ONE FULL YEAR of Financial Education, in Lebanon, delivered by the “Cash Flow Factory” powered by AH Financial Consultancy.

► It all started with an idea 3 years ago.

► This idea was based on a real and essential rising need in our Lebanese society as well as the region.

► WHY did we see that FINANCIAL EDUCATION is crucial to our society and especially to YOUTH ??? (make sure to check the answer here)

►  The Launch was Exactly 1 year ago with our Basic Seminar named “Increase Your Financial Intelligence” at the UK Lebanon Tech Hub – Beirut Digital District – Lebanon.                     (check Official Video Trailer + Attendees Feedback).

► During this year we visited many universities, school, NGOs and the Top of our efforts was 2 months ago when Financial Education took its normal exposure at  BDLAccelerate 2016.

► Programs creating real solutions for people are being delivered such as:

1- “How To Manage Your Money” (check official trailer + feedbacks here)

2- “How To Trade in Paper Assets” (check Program here)

3- “FinanciaLies” (check program here)

P.S.: Feel Free to check all programs delivered by the Cash Flow Factory Here

► We also made sure during this year to create the “CASH FLOW COMMUNITY” facebook group where people who already attended one of these programs and seminars are invited to join and communicate together online by posts or chat.

Real value  will be delivered in this special group. We can also promisse that a special gathering for the members of this group to network face to face and sourround themselves with like-minded people will be organized. During these gatherings or small events we will also make sure to deliver new content and CREATE REAL OPPORTUNITIES for investing as well as solutions to increase the financial IQ of attendees.


As a 1st Anniversary Gift for introducing Financial Education in Lebanon for the 1st Time by the “AH Financial Consultancy” & the “Cash Flow Factory”

ONLY MEMBERS of the “CASH FLOW COMMUNITY” facebook group will recieve this Sunday the 29th of January 2017 a special Financial Education GIFT.                                           So make sure to Add yourself here to this Community ONLY IF YOU HAVE THE “FINANCIAL & INVESTEMENT EDUCATION” MINDSET & WILL TO LEARN AND TO IMPROVE YOUR FINANCIAL OUTLOOK SATRTING 2017.          (Click Here to join now) 

► At the end, we would like to thank you all for your full support during this amazing year and we promisse you that the BEST IS YET TO COME, so make sure to stay plugged-in to our Official Website,  blog and newsletter as well as our social media and YouTube Channel to be among the 1st to grab any upcoming opportunities.

We are here not just to talk and give seminars, but to CREATE REAL SOLUTIONS AND PRESENT REAL OPPORTUNITIES  which are already changing in people’s lives and will continue to do it in the future but on a bigger scale.

This is what makes the “AH Fianncial Consultancy” & the “Cash Flow Factory” Different.

logo-png                                                                               cff-not-png

Be FREE From Bills & Lies

Finally the 1st Of its Kind MIX Program is here!!!


Have you ever seen people who have means and thought to yourself, “I want to live like that, too?”


For many, the picture of independence looks like someone who spends what they want when they want. We assume that they sleep on a bed of $100 bills without a care in the world.

Is independence what most of us imagine?

► There Are A Lot Of Broke, Rich People
By broke, we mean this person lives large paycheck to large paycheck. If they don’t have their next “job” lined up they risk losing everything. A lot of celebrities can be described this way.

Over the years some of the highest paid celebrities file bankruptcy after the height of their career. Scan the Internet and you’ll find stories of broke lottery winners, too. Those people have beaten the odds of winning only to squander it away a few short years later.

► Independence Is Much More Than Having Money
The first thing to realize is that financial freedom is more about your mindset about money than having money. Freedom is so many things to different people. Freedom is the ability to do what you really want in life. It’s freedom from stress. It’s freedom from fear.

Independence does not come easily. Achieving independence is possible but the only person who can achieve it is you. Are you willing to put in the effort?

► Be Free, Not Rich
You can take control of your situation, no matter what it is, and enjoy independence. To avoid becoming a broke, rich person, you must first take financial matters into your own hands. Determine exactly where you want to go, and increase your financial IQ.

Simple things like opening a book, reading financial information available online, attending events, or finding a mentor are just a few examples of how you can start your financial education. Just get started.

For this reason and to make it simple for you we have just Launched the 3rd Version of “HOW TO MANAGE YOUR MONEY”.

But this time it is Different!!!

To make sure that you Succeed not just in Managing Your Money but also in the way you Create Money (No matter if you are an EMPLOYEE, SELF-EMPLOYED, BUSINESS OWNER or INVESTOR) we have made a Partnership with Mr. Jonathan Choufany – Founder of Human Decode to bring to you a MIXED PROGRAM that will help you to identify the honesty of the people you are dealing with them on a  daily basis in your working hours and while making or searching for deals.

► We also made a REAL DISCOUNTED PRICE where the 30 hours 2 Mixed Programs will almost Cost You the Price of Only One.

► This will be the best Gift you can give yourself or any person you really love and want to make 2017 a Life-Changing Year Financially & Socially.

Check the Event Here and do not Hesitate 1 second to hit the Interested Button because very important updates are coming & contact us to book ONE of the 20 limited seats of this 1st of its Kind Program in Lebanon and all the MENA Region.


This is what makes the Cash Flow Factory different. 

Abdallah Harfouch 

Founder of AH Financial Consultancy /Economist / Financial Markets Analyst

Tel+961 3 035475 


Facebook Page: AH Financial Consultancy –

My Gift to you at the End of this Year !!!

why-we-should-be-thankful► Every year, around this time, you hear the standard carol, “Joy to the World.” But for many people, the holidays aren’t that joyful.



► In fact, they’re downright stressful. Why? Because a lot of money goes out the door during the holidays and for many of you there is no money coming in.

► You may be working long hours and making personal sacrifices just to support your family and pay the bills. Holiday gifts? How in the world are you ever going to buy presents when you can’t even afford essentials like gas, food and medicine?

►What if this next year, you were prepared for whatever life might throw at you because you increased your financial IQ?

►That’s exactly why we created the “HOW TO MANAGE YOUR MONEY PROGRAM” —to help teach about money and how to exit the rat race, and finally get ahead, financially.

► This Program helps to teach you all the things that aren’t taught in school. The best part is, you can attend it and be part of it any time you want, so you can reshape your financial outlook the way you would dream of it.

► We know that money alone doesn’t solve all problems, but being financially educated goes a long way. The more you know, the better you can plan and execute your financial goals. This week, as many of you prepare to celebrate the Christmas holiday, take the time to reflect on 2016. Are you serving your family the best you can? Do you have all the resources you need to make 2017 the most successful year yet?

► Today, take advantage of the freedom you have to increase your financial education and apply it to create your own unfair advantage. It will be the best investment you’ve ever made—and your family will thank you for generations to come.


Happy Holidays,

Abdallah Harfouch 
Founder of AH Financial Consultancy /Economist / Financial Markets Analyst
Facebook Page: AH Financial Consultancy –

Online learning could help more people achieve—if they knew about it


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Online Education starts here with us

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Since we were kids we were taught that we must go to school to get proper education then go to university or college get good grades, then go get a good high paying job, get married, have babies and live a “NORMAL” life.

Without going into the debate if this way of thinking is right or wrong or obsolete we will focus in this article about the 1st two parts related to education specially that the world is witnessing a 100% cultural shift when it comes to the ONLINE Vs. OFFLINE.

Online learning is another one of those things that feels pervasive in our world but is, in fact, still in its earliest infancy. For motivated lifelong learners, going online to take courses and pursue self-directed learning is just another way the internet is an integral part of our lives. Indeed, the variety of educational resources has never been greater. And yet, most people are unfamiliar with the options available to them or haven’t (yet) recognized their value.

In my mind, that one challenge overshadows the rest. A lack of awareness is holding modern education back.

In fact, those people who could benefit most from online and digital education platforms are the most unfamiliar with them. Instead, it’s those who are already highly educated who are gravitating to new education platforms to bolster their existing skill sets. Moreover, the awareness problem affects the U.S. disproportionately compared to the rest of the world.

For the majority in the Lebanon, traditional institutions of higher education still reign supreme, even as tuitions rise to historic highs and the return on investment becomes less certain. Colleges and universities are regarded as mandatory routes to career success, though many employers still find new grads to be under-prepared for the professional world and many in-demand skills like graphic design and coding can be learned via online courses just as effectively.

Learning about our personal finances became a huge necessity specially when you see the economic world going into more recession and higher economic risks and uncertainty and one of the best way to get your financial education is to apply to online courses or follow online programs because it can reach every single person on its smartphone or its tablet or PC.

We can also learn through live workshops, programs and seminars that can be a big support for our online education.

Raising awareness of today’s digital learning tools will take much more than sharing information and signing people up for classes. The real issue is getting people to accept that all of us need to continue our education beyond high school and even college. I experienced my own dose of reality a few years ago when I did my first broadcast interview and realized afterwards how much better I would’ve done if I’d been media-trained. Today’s workplace is evolving so quickly, you’ll get a wake-up call like that too, if you haven’t already, but you’re probably not about to drop your career and go back to school.

This is why there’s been so much talk urging individuals to embrace a growth mindset and develop into lifelong learners. Companies and organizations can help during the hiring process by looking at what job candidates know and can do—not where or how they learned it—and offering online skills training that’s more like choosing from Netflix’s online entertainment library and less like corporate drudgery. The goal is to create an environment that motivates employees and individuals to want to better themselves and then offer the resources to help them get there.

Online learning in Lebanon in totally new, getting bigger now and will get bigger and bigger in the future with the new “Online Generation” . But we in “AH Financial Consultancy” & specially  “Cash Flow Factory” (check online training 5 ways to boost your financial future) can’t be the only ones touting its benefits. More voices from college advisors to industry leaders to education policymakers, need to speak up about the larger issue of how today’s workers can stay marketable and grow their skills and the multitude of online resources available to them. We’re drawing closer to a future in which every individual has equal access to grow skills and enrich their lives, but we still have a long way to go.


3 Success Principles To Set And Achieve Your Goals


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If you seek opportunity in life, you’ll end up with all of the security you need. However, if you only seek security, you’ll end up with neither opportunity nor security.

The proof is that this is all around us, in the downsizing and reconstructing of corporations, where thousands of men and women who sought security are finding themselves unemployed for long periods of time.

A person makes his or her own luck by setting goals, following through and achieving them.

Follow these success principles to not only find more opportunities open up in your life but to find greater security as well.

Make Your Own Luck

Use these three success principles to set and achieve your goals. These are derived from three physical laws; the Law of Momentum, the Law of Inertia and the Law of Probability. You can apply these principles equally well to everything that you accomplish or fail to accomplish.

You make your own luck by getting out of your comfort zone and achieving your goals on your own. First you must learn why people succeed or fail based on these three success principles.

1) The Law Of Momentum

The first success principle is the Law of Momentum. In physics, the law of momentum states that a body in motion tends to remain in motion unless acted upon by an outside force.

2) The Law Of Inertia

The second success principle is the Law of Inertia. The Law of Inertia states that a body at rest tends to remain at rest unless acted upon by an outside force.

These two laws imply that it may be hard to get started toward your goal because you have to fight the pull of the comfort zone and the force of inertia. But, once you get into motion toward something that is important to you, it’s much easier to continue making progress than it is if you stop somewhere along the way and have to start again.

When you observe successful people, you find that they are very much like the plate spinners in the circus. They get things started. They get the plates spinning. Then, they continually keep them spinning, knowing that if a plate falls off, or something comes to a halt, its much harder to get it restarted then it is to keep it going in the first place.

3) The Law Of Probability

The third success principle is the Law of Probability. If you want to be more successful faster, just do or try more things. Take more action; get busier. Start a little earlier; work a little harder; stay a little later. Put the odds in your favor. According to the Law of Probability, the more things you try, the more likely it is that you will try the one thing that will make all of the difference. You make your own luck by trying more things and doing more.

How To Achieve Your Goals

Discovering how to achieve your goals starts with you! Once you have a goal and a plan get going! Once you start moving toward your goal, don’t stop. Do something every day to move yourself closer to the goal. Don’t let the size of the goal, or the amount of time required to accomplish it, discourage you or hold you back from reaching it.

Write Down Goals And Objectives

During your planning process, break down the goal into small tasks and activities that you can engage in every day. Create a checklist to follow. You don’t have to do a lot, but every day, every week, every month, you should be making progress in the direction of your clearly-defined goals and objectives by completing your predetermined tasks and activities.

Author:  Brian Tracy







Are Your Goals Tough Enough? Or Too Tough?

Are Your Goals Tough Enough

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How to find the sweet spot of difficulty

Aim high. It’s not as cliché as it sounds, says leadership expert Mark Murphy, author of Hard Goals: The Secret to Getting from Where You Are to Where You Want to Be. When you’re aiming to achieve extraordinary things, hitting the farthest target—and missing—can be more valuable than hitting the closest target and succeeding.

Undersetting goals—say, your target is to reach $5 million in sales over the next 12 months when you’re already at $4.9 million—allows you to slack off and still hit your objective. Oversetting goals—for instance, you want to surpass Facebook in users by 2016—can leave you feeling so defeated that you’ll abandon your efforts.

When you set a goal, you should ask yourself two things:

• What new skills will I acquire by pursuing this goal?
• How will I grow as a person as a result of this goal?

“An appropriately difficult goal is going to require you to learn,” Murphy says. “It’s going to stretch your brain, excite some neurons, amp you up and awaken your senses.”

Murphy suggests reflecting on what you consider your greatest accomplishments (developing an innovative product, competing in a triathlon, earning your master’s degree in business administration, nursing a parent through a difficult illness) and assessing how much you needed to learn and change for those achievements. Or think about it this way: If a goal is sufficiently demanding, you’re going to have two to four significant new learning experiences along the way to reaching it.

Murphy offers another test to assess whether a goal is tough enough but not too tough. Ask yourself, To what extent is this goal within my comfort zone? Possible answers:

1. Totally within my comfort zone. (“I could do it with my eyes closed.”)

2. Pretty much within my comfort zone. (“My eyes are open, but I’m not excited.”)

3. A little outside my comfort zone. (“I’m feeling a twinge of nervousness.”)

4. Outside my comfort zone. (“I’m on pins and needles.”)

5. Way outside my comfort zone. (“I’m so anxiety-ridden that I can’t even respond.” )

You should aim for No. 4, a goal that takes you into uncharted territory but doesn’t leave you feeling hopelessly lost.


Why earning a lot of money doesn’t make you rich


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A salary with a bunch of zeros tacked on the end doesn’t necessarily equate to wealth. At the end of the day, it’s just a number — and if the cash behind that number is not managed properly, it can disintegrate in the blink of an eye.

“Most people fail to realize that in life, it’s not how much money you make. It’s how much money you keep,” writes Robert Kiyosaki in the personal finance classic, “Rich Dad Poor Dad.”

At the end of the day, money does not solve financial problems — in fact, it often exacerbates them. Consider the lottery winners who lost it all within a few years; or the professional athletes who made millions in their 20s and wound up broke.

When income increases, people have a tendency to boost their spending, which can quickly spiral into dangerous overspending habits.

“Money often makes obvious our tragic human flaws, putting a spotlight on what we don’t know,” explains Kiyosaki. “That is why, all too often, a person who comes into a sudden windfall of cash — let’s say an inheritance, a pay raise, or lottery winnings — soon returns to the same financial mess, if not worse, than the mess they were in before.”

What solves financial problems and produces money is intelligence. “Money without financial intelligence is money soon gone,” writes Kiyosaki.

Unfortunately, while most of us are taught how to make money — how to get a job and work hard — we are not taught how to intelligently manage it, the crucial part.

The good news is that you don’t need to be a certified financial planner or have an MBA to develop financial intelligence.

Start by learning the difference between an asset and a liability, the single most important distinction to recognize if you want to get rich, Kiyosaki says. Next, focus on bettering your savings, and ensure that more money is coming in than going out.

Author: Kathleen Elkins


Why Entrepreneurs Need Mentors and How to Find Them


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Entrepreneurs, wouldn’t it be nice to maintain the independence you crave while still receiving trustworthy, reliable advice? That’s why mentors are so great: They can provide guidance, wisdom and direction so you don’t become mired in self-doubt.

A mentor is a business investment. When business owners are mentored, 70 percent of their businesses live past five years — double the survival rate of non-mentored small businesses. Eighty-eight percent of those in this same survey called the mentoring experience “invaluable” to their business success.

While mentoring can shower your business with benefits, it’s important to choose the right voices to listen to. As an entrepreneur, you may try to use friends, family members and colleagues as mentors. But that won’t work. Those people can’t empathize with many of your struggles — the way a mentor in your industry can.

The three types of mentors

Just as no two entrepreneurs are the same, no two mentors have the same expertise. Here are the three types of mentors to consider:

1. The ‘mentor from afar’

The first type of mentor rarely comes with monetary costs — you probably already have several of these without even realizing it. A “mentor from afar” is often a stranger who doesn’t know you, but is still someone who can have a great impact on how you run your business.

Engage with this kind of mentor by consuming free content (blogs, video trainings, audio clips, etc.) from leaders you admire, or speakers who inspire; think TED Talks.

And don’t discount this type of distance mentorship just because it doesn’t involve one-on-one time — you can learn from great, disparate minds on topics ranging from Elon Musk’s futuristic innovations to Andrew Solomon’s views on unconditional love.

In fact, Elon Musk has attributed his success to this type of mentor himself. Asked once how he learned to invent, Musk wryly answered, “I read books.” Musk has said that his “mentors from afar” have included British structural engineer J.E. Gordon, American political thinker Benjamin Franklin and PayPal founder Peter Thiel.

2. The industry-specific mentor

This type of mentor has already walked in your shoes; he or she can help you with industry-dependent challenges like managing finances and choosing suppliers. These individuals rarely mentor full time, but their one-on-one advice can be invaluable, especially in niche fields.

I didn’t have to look far to find my own industry-specific mentor — my father is a business owner himself, so he helped me manage operational necessities like payroll and financial risks when I began my company back in college. If you aren’t as lucky as I was, then start searching your social networks. Choose someone you respect; find someone who will help you expand your network and open new doors.

Microsoft founder Bill Gates, the world’s wealthiest man, credits his success partially to his mentor, billionaire investor Warren Buffett. Gates has said he admires Buffet’s abilities to teach complicated concepts so people can “get the benefit of all his experience, all his models of how the world works.” Think about Microsoft’s ground-breaking innovations — its operating system and software — and you’ll see that it’s obvious Buffet inspired Gates to make complexity more accessible.

3. The direct mentor

Direct mentors are usually professionals whom you may be paying in return for their support. They guide you in making desired impacts and in living life on your own terms. They can help you manage your time, reframe problems into opportunities and conquer self-imposed limitations.

Joan Fletcher was my first leadership coach; she opened my eyes to personal development as an entrepreneurial necessity. She taught me to overcome my fears of failure and humiliation when the objective was my company’s well-being. Thanks to Joan, today I’m more self-assured and authentic in my interactions. While her guidance boosted my social life, it also helped me post higher sales figures and speak publicly with conviction.

Finding the right fit

Passion, ability and breadth of experience are the most important qualities in a good mentor. Has this person faced challenges similar to yours? Has he or she been where you want to go? Is this person living a life you respect? Do you trust his or her insights?

Choose your mentors wisely; make sure you feel comfortable enough with them to confide your fears and unconventional ideas. A great mentor will help you own your vision and accomplish your greatest dreams.

Author: Sumi Krishnan

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